Pictures cont.!!!


        In this page there are even more pictures, with descriptions, of things you will not only encounter in El Yunque but some rare things you may find in El Yunque.



Flowering Plants

          Flowering plants are plants which have stamens and pistils, and produce true seeds. These plants are also the most commonly found group of land plants. Although these plants are the most commonly found, they are very recent and have been here only since the Late Cretaceous period.

          In El Yunque there is a wide variety of flowering plants. Almost everywhere you look you will find a flowering plant.  Hope that when you go, you find a beautiful flowering plant waiting for you.

           Picture taken by:


Non Flowering Plants

         Non-flowering plants are plants that reproduce from spores or cloning and don’t grow any flowers. These plants are the oldest plants in the Plant kingdom. They have survived for millions of years because they have been able to adapt to any kind of environment.

          Most of El Yunque is covered by non-flowering plants. You can see them to the side of the trails, near the river, near waterfalls, anywhere you go in El Yunque. Most of them have little hole in them, though, because they have been eaten by hungry insects. Hope you like these ancient plants.



        Butterflies are flying insects with two pairs of wings, a proboscis, and clubbed antennae. These creatures belong to the Order Lepidopetra and the Family Rhopalocera. Many butterflies live in rainforests. In fact, the mostly live in the understory, near the forest floor. When they are young, caterpillars, they eat leaves, but when they are adults, butterflies, they sip flower nectar or liquid from rotting fruit.

          In El Yunque you might find some butterflies, beautiful ones too. In the picture bellow you can see a butterfly. You can barely see thought because when the picture was taken, the butterfly was in motion. Cool, right?


Yellow Snail

          A Yellow Snail is a type of mollusk of the class Gastropoda that has a yellow coiled shell and a ventral muscular foot on which it slowly glides with. To sum up, a Yellow Snail is a type of snail that has a yellow shell. These creatures are very beautiful and are quite rare.

          In El Yunque it is quite hard to find a yellow snail. To find one you must look carefully on top of leaves and maybe you’ll find one. Don’t worry, if you don’t find one, you could look for one the next time you go to El Yunque.   


Walking Stick

         A Walking Stick is a stick shaped insect that is widely distributed North American species called Diapheromera femorata, Walking Stick for short, which is brown to greenish in color and usually inhabits deciduous trees. These animals blend easily to wood and really look like a small twig.

          In El Yunque it is really hard to find a Walking Stick. The easiest way to find a Walking Stick is by looking to see if there are any on top of any leaves.  Don’t give up hope! I’m sure you’ll find one someday.  

  Picture taken by: Peter. You can hear more about him here:



          A Crab is any decapod crustacean of the suborder Brachyura, having the eyes on short stalks and a short, broad, more or less flattened body, the abdomen being small and folded under the thorax. Crabs can live both under water and near water.

          In El Yunque, you will mostly find crabs near the water falls or anywhere were you have a body of water. To find one, you must look closely near the edges of the river, waterfall, ect. And you will usually find one.

                                                Picture taken by: Kevin Cole



          A Waterfall is a steep fall or flow of water in a watercourse from a height, as over a precipice. In other words a waterfall is a cascade.  In the world there are many waterfalls including the Niagara Falls (the tallest).

          In El Yuqnue there are many waterfalls. In the picture bellow you can see that people usually stand on rocks and play around. In this picture, my 6th grade teachers are pointing to La Miña Falls. My teachers’ names go a followed:

·       Mrs. Romañach (to the left)

·       Mr. Batista (in the center)

·       Mrs. Stewart (to the right)

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